Early Warning Fire Detection for Electrical and IT cabinets

Staged alerts for your business-critical equipment

Electrical and IT cabinets are widely used in industrial applications, and are very varied in their application, type and voltage levels. What they have in common is that they are generally business critical assets, where an outage will lead to significant losses through downtime and consequential effects. These cabinets are at the centre of a nexus of cables transporting power and data around the business. Such cable pathways are vital arteries to every business. Cables are bundled together in trays, trenches and other cable pathway spaces that can be hard to reach, monitor and see. Yet electrical installations remain the leading cause of fire in built environments, meaning reliable Early Warning Fire Detection is essential to mitigate the risk of a blaze and keep damage to an absolute minimum should one occur. A well-designed and reliable Early Warning Fire Detection system provides risk mitigation, potentially preventing a fire from happening or from developing out of control. Sounding the alarm early and with multiple alert levels can facilitate timely investigation by an on-site response team, as well as bringing about a fire service response well before the incident develops into a life-threatening situation.

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Key considerations for fire detection in Electrical and IT cabinets

  • Dust build-up over time, including oily dust in industrial premises 
  • High or irregular airflow patterns due to fast or changing air circulation 
  • Conflicting requirements of power-down of HVAC to prevent smoke or fire spread, versus the need to keep cooling air flow to unaffected cabinets or racks 
  • Changes in ambient conditions such as temperature, humidity, air pollutants or others in a naturally ventilated environment 
  • The source of an incipient fire inside a cabinet or rack is almost impossible to pinpoint unless it is detected and alarmed automatically 
  • The actuation of other building or fire protection systems, such as smoke management or fire suppression systems, depends on a timely and reliable detection to be effective 


Benefits of SecuriSmoke ASD

  • Early and reliable smoke detection, control unit away from sampling pipes
  • 5-level of alerts and alarms, automatic on-demand fault alarms
  • Optimal alarm settings supported with design tool for code compliance 
  • Dynamic use of aspirating technology to address unique operating conditions
  • Seamlessly integrated with fire alarm system (FAS) and building management system (BMS) components

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