Early Warning Fire Detection for Logistics and Distribution, Storage Warehousing Facilities

Warehouses and storage facilities are historically one of the key built environments, attracting significant new constructions to cater for increasing demands from urban population growth, consumers’ change of behaviour and innovative goods and services fulfilments. Newly constructed warehouses are larger, taller and more flexible than ever built before. In addition, as the level of warehousing automation increases, very high rack configurations and very narrow aisles become possible thus further maximising total storage volume on the same footprint. On the other hand, business continuity is paramount to deliver promised high levels of service for all logistics distribution centres and for high-value manufacturing processes to ensure Just-in-Time (JIT) production and delivery. Such facilities can be designed to the prescriptive codes with added detection and protection based on a risk assessment (Risk-based Design), thus applying appropriate system design to these targeted risk areas.

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Causes for fires in Logistics and Distribution, Storage Warehousing Facilities

  • Heating equipment
  • Electrical distribution or lighting equipment
  • Torches, burners and soldering or welding equipment
  • Vehicles
  • Confined trash or rubbish


Challenges for Early Warning Fire Detection in Logistics and Distribution, Storage Warehousing Facilities

  • Large Open Space
  • Natural or forced ventilation
  • Diluted smoke and stratification
  • Extreme high or low temperature
  • Complex design considerations
  • Risk-based detection
  • Obstructed or difficult access
  • Hazardous and challenging environment


Key benefits of an Early Warning Fire Detection in Logistics and Distribution, Storage Warehousing Facilities

  • Business interruption and economic damage is minimised
  • 5 warning levels allowing for a staged response along the fire development
  • Split-second, highly sensitive reaction to incipient fires
  • Simple handling by way of mounting the detector in easily accessible areas
  • Very low maintenance requirements, low maintenance frequency and long service life
  • Developed in Switzerland, made in Germany

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